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N R Multi Specialty Hospital is at Convenient and Accessable Location. It is situated in Chandpur in Bilaspur Distt of Himachal Pradesh. We are providing all types of medical services in the region like : OPD, IPD, 24 hrs Emergency, 24 hrs Pharmacy, 24 hrs Ambulance Services, Hi Tech OT with all modular facilities, Delux AC ROOMS, General Wards, Excellent Nursing Care, Hi Tech Laboratory & Digital X - Ray facility.

Our Specialities


Gynaecologist and Obstetrician (Dr. Pankaj Sharma) Care for and treat women during prenatal, natal, and postnatal periods.


Medicine Department at N R Hospital is running one of the best health care programs in the Region.


OUR PEDIATRICIAN looks after Patients with Anaemia, Rickets, diarrhea, General Weakness, Asthama, Allergy, Chest Infection & Diseases.


Orthopaedic Department in NR Hospital believe in offering the patients with an ethical and open environment with expert treatment and care. Orthopedic surgeon at NR Hospital treats various diseases and condition like Dislocations and Fractures, Tendon injuries, pulled muscles, Arthritis and osteoporosis, Bone tumors, club foot and unequal leg lengths.

General Surgeon

The defining feature of General Surgeon at NR Hospital is that he has a wide range of knowledge and skills to deal with all kinds of surgical emergencies, with an emphasis on acute abdominal problems. He also carry out a large number of elective operations.


Specialty that is engaged in the fields of anesthesia, intensive care medicine, pain control medicine, pre-hospital and in-hospital emergency medicine..


Patient's Remarks

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+91 78071 61466 OR
1/7/2025 7:26:44 PM